The donation you are about to make will directly benefit the life of a child. Whether you are making a one-off donation or committing to a monthly gift, we promise you that the donation you make will improve the lives of the children we support.
Safe and secure ways you can donate to us
Thank you for making a donation. Every pound goes to help a child in need. It’s never been easier to donate.
- You can make a through JUST GIVING.
- You can write a cheque and send it to our registered office.
Send a cheque by post
To send a cheque – please make it payable to the CHALONER CHILDREN’S CHARITY and send it to the registered address:
Chaloner Children’s Charity
35 Westgate, Huddersfield HD1 1PA
Donate via your bank account
To make a donation directly from your bank account to the Chaloner Children’s Charity.
Royal Bank of Scotland
Sort code: 16-00-38
ACCT #: 10230877
Gift Aid
If you are a taxpayer, please remember that for every £1 you donate we could claim 25 pence in Gift Aid. Please download the Gift Aid form to send with your donation or if paying through Paypal or via your bank please request a copy to be sent to you at the time of payment – Gift Aid form.
Registered with the Charity Commission
Charity Registration # 1115902